PM E-DRIVE Scheme: Eligibility, Subsidy, Benefits, Application process and subsidy claim process, long term business opportunity


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The Indian government has introduced a number of programs, including the FAME-I, FAME-II, and EMPS, to accelerate the implementation of electric cars. However, these plans came to an end in September 2024.

The Ministry of Heavy Industry (MHI) introduced the PM Electric-Drive Revolution in Innovative Vehicle Enhancement (PM E-DRIVE) initiative on 29th – Sep-2024 with the goal to keep supporting EVs.


About PM E-DRIVE Scheme



The PM E-DRIVE scheme implemented from 1st-Oct- 2024 and will continue until 31st-Mar-2026 aims to boost mass EV mobility in the country by encouraging the purchase of EVs, establishing charging infrastructure and promoting the EV manufacturing ecosystem.
This initiative addresses fuel security and environmental pollution concerns while driving investment in the EV sector and creating job opportunities.
With an approved budget of Rs.10,900 crore for 2 years- the scheme also incorporates the vehicles and expenses from the previous EMPS-2024 program.
Overall the PM E-DRIVE scheme will contribute significantly to sustainable transportation solutions and economic development.

Notice of the scheme

29th-Sep-2024 the government officially announced the PM E-DRIVE program. The official PM E-DRIVE website link given below provides the full scheme notification to download.
Note: Link>> PM E-Drive Scheme

Date of scheme launch



The PM E-DRIVE program was launched on 1st-Oct-2024 and it would run until 31-Mar-2026.

Eligibility criteria for the scheme

The benefits offered by the PM E-DRIVE program are available to the following vehicles-
  • e-2Ws or e-2 wheelers
  • e-3 Wheelers (e-3Ws) which include L5 category automobiles, registered e-rickshaws, and e-carts
  • Electronic buses
  • Electronic ambulances
  • E-trucks
  • Infrastructures for charging
  • MHI-affiliated testing organizations
However, this program exclusively offers rewards to EVs with cutting-edge batteries in order to promote new technology. Only one EV in a given category can be considered an individual beneficiary for a subsidy.
EVs acquired by any department or agency of the Central or State Government will not be eligible for benefits under the PM E-DRIVE program.

Benefits of the scheme


(i). EV subsidies : The scheme offers subsidies and demand incentives totaling Rs.3,679 to encourage e-2Ws, e-3Ws, e-trucks, e-ambulances, and other emerging EVs. It supports a large number of e-2Ws, e-3Ws, and e-buses, focusing on affordable and eco-friendly public transportation options during the process.

(ii). E-voucher for reimbursement claims : EV buyers can use e-vouchers to access subsidies under the scheme. At purchase an e-KYC Aadhaar face authenticated e-voucher is generated on the scheme portal.
A download link is sent to the customer’s registered mobile number.
(iii). The use of electronic ambulances : Government of India allocated Rs.500 crore for e-ambulances to enhance patient transport services; aims to promote their usage.
(iv). Purchasing e-buses : CESL (Convergence Energy Services Limited)  will facilitate the procurement of 14,028 e-buses for STUs (State Transport Undertakings) or public transport agencies with Rs. 4,391 crore.
This will focus on nine cities with over 40 lakh population and also support Interstate and Intercity e-buses in coordination with states.
(v). The use of electric trucks : The scheme aims to reduce air pollution by promoting e-trucks with Rs.500 crore allocated for incentives.
Only those with a scrapping certificate from MoRTH-approved RVSF(Registered Vehicle Scrapping Facility) will receive incentives.
(vi). Setting up EV charging stations : A scheme plans to set up 22,100 fast chargers for e-4Ws, 48,400 fast chargers for e-2Ws or 3Ws, and 1,800 fast chargers for e-buses, costing Rs.2,000 crore.
It aims to reduce range anxiety and boost EV adoption by installing EV Public Charging Stations in key locations.
(vii). Improvements to testing organizations: MHI will modernize testing agencies for emerging technologies and green mobility with a Rs.780 crore budget under its supervision.

How can I get benefits from PM E-DRIVE Scheme?

OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturers) manufacturing eligible EVs must register for PM E-DRIVE scheme to claim subsidy reimbursement from government.
OEM includes proprietor, private/public company or partnership firm.

PM E-DRIVE Scheme registration online

OEMs already in FAME-India Phase II must reapply for PM E-DRIVE benefits online. All OEMs can register online for the scheme by following below steps .
Step 1: Go to PM E-DRIVE’s official website.
Step 2: Choose “OEM” option after clicking the “Login” button.
Step 3: Click the “Register” button after scrolling down.
Step 4: Complete the OEM Pre-Registration form, attach the necessary files, and choose “Get OTP.”
Step 5: Click “Submit” after entering the OTP.

Subsidy for the EV scheme

Vehicle segment Incentive for vehicles in FY 2024-25 Incentive for vehicles in FY 2025-26 Maximum Ex-factory price to avail incentive
Registered e-2 wheelers Rs.5,000/kWh, capped at Rs.10,000 per vehicle Rs.2,500/kWh, capped at Rs.5,000 per vehicle Rs.1.5 lakh
Registered e-rickshaws and e-cart Rs.5,000/kWh, capped at Rs.25,000 per vehicle Rs.2,500/kWh, capped at Rs.12,500 per vehicle Rs.2.5 lakh
Registered e-3 wheelers and L5 Rs.5,000/kWh, capped at Rs.50,000 per vehicle Rs.2,500/kWh, capped at Rs.25,000 per vehicle Rs.5 lakh


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